Archive for the ‘Long Beach’ Category


Sunday, July 30th, 1978

I’m on the edge of composure
I feel it brush me by somedays
its getting close I know now
cause I can feel it slip away

One morning I’ll make it
I’ll get up and run away
all of my tensions will leave then
and I’ll treasure the rest of the day

And when evening comes I’ll find
there’s nothing I want to do
except lie down and rest lightly
and let my body renew

The days will begin to string out
pearls in some joyous chain
of running morning’s composure
and just enough food to maintain.

30 july 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1978-08-03 When Helen Oflarety came around

Thursday, August 3rd, 1978
                  When Helen O. came around
         I'm thinking' about her and there's not much to say
         she just feels good in the easiest way
         this lady's got it and I'm blown away ... with love ... easy love
         We started talkin' and I had to smile
         she's kinda pretty and she's nobody's child
         she's quick as lightening and a little wild ... I'm in love
         There's so much in her that I've looked for
         she's complex and shows it, she's never a bore
         she's come thru some hard times and it made her much more
         I'm in love, ...and I want more.

                                 03 aug 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Sunday, August 6th, 1978

Let the leaves come fall around me
I’m so lost in space
I lie scattered among the lovers
my hands and heart have traced
Sometimes I get such an ache
I want just one to be mine
but they seem to come in every form
but just what I’d like to find
Sometimes I think I must be wrong
I should settle for being sad

Yes, you take my heart life
amid these thirties days
you leave me scattered while I look
and tempt me with something more
I know love, I’ve felt it before
I’m no stranger to its song
and that I want back what I can give
can I be so wrong?

06 aug 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —