Archive for the ‘Places’ Category

1973-10-31 Naegeli

Wednesday, October 31st, 1973
         John told me, abashed I thought,
         that he was becoming part of the establishment;
         he was buying a house.
         I'm still thinking about that, I guess...
         about growing up and settling down
         and slowing down and getting older.
         Part of me believes that if I don't acknowledge it
         it might go away.
         Part of me knows it won't
         and I'm just wasting time trying.
         I guess John's going to quit fighting
         and simply settle in to watch time pass.
         I wish there was a moral to this story.
                           31 October 1973
                           Long Beach

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1973-11-14 — coming up —

Wednesday, November 14th, 1973
                       -- coming up ---
            Coming off a cold I'm strong
            coming off the cold I'm up
            mind and muscles realized.
            I'm wired on returning vigor
            a happiness based
            on the relative change fills me
            and I know it for what it is
            and then dig it.
                              14 November 1973
                              Long Beach

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1973-11-18 Psychic Power

Sunday, November 18th, 1973

                       Psychic Power

         They were looking
         and in looking they caused
         what they thought to be
         and the circle turned
         with the child at the center.

         I've seen it and can't believe
         those who say thought isn't physical.

         True, our grasp (attention) is not normally enough
         to perceive the causal connections
         which link subjective to objective
         imagination to creation
         and will to experience.

         But they exist.

                           18 November 1973
                           Long Beach

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —