Archive for the ‘Places’ Category


Tuesday, April 29th, 1975
            Locked in impermance
            change and illusion swirl around me
            people come and go
            but nothing touches me but love
            I'm torn apart inside now
            can't get my feet back on the ground
            walking with my head in a cloud now
            I've got to get back down
            Where is my love gone
            eaten by my fears.
            Where are all my days gone
            filling up all my years.

                           29 April 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Thursday, May 1st, 1975
            The years lie empty before me
            empty gut strings of waste
            gaping between depressions
            and looks in the mirror
            and for every moment
            I'm less than my best
            these moments will linger
            to fill my vision
            with the fruit of my deeds.

                           01 May 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Thursday, May 1st, 1975
            Looking again at those choices, my friends
            I'm tearing myself down to nothing
            throwing it all away ... the end ...
            I want rebirth ... I want a vision
            I want more than I can keep
              or give away
            I want to not want ...
              and I cry as I gave it all away.

                              1 May 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —