Archive for the ‘Places’ Category

1973-07-07 Acid again

Saturday, July 7th, 1973
                         Acid again

            Psychic or what...when I can look in
              at cupboards and feel love.

            Laughing in the face of joy
              I've turned away so many times
                 to find it just there...

            Insanity comes in a pill
              but why make it real?

            I saw the spokes of the wheel coming together
            all lead to what we keep
              in our pills
            and we can't quite wait to get there,
              can we?

            Insanity at 10,000 watts, just another
              weapon in our arsenal.

                              7 jul 73
                              Long Beach - acid tripping

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1973-07-07 For Rose

Saturday, July 7th, 1973
                          For Rose
         There's a woman who loves me pure and clear
         and that's fine
         though sometimes I don't know why
         she'd want such a hassle as loving me,...
         Me, who wants to be free
         and sure and wise and strong...
         she loves that...the prideful stupid fool...
         and me, I'm just amazed at my grace
         to have such a woman.
         Ah, but love's so simple,
         why, she's been whispering it to me
         for years at night
         and I'm just now getting wise...
         going on to do it myself I was....
         and she was patient.
         Love is my gift
         and its fine.
                                 7 jul 73
                                 Long Beach

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1973-10-02 Before class

Tuesday, October 2nd, 1973
                          Before class
         I saw a look I never saw before today...
         on the face of a man
         who was pumping the heart of another man
         who probably wasn't going to make it.
         Sadness there, self consciousness,
         the chill of the ultimate reality,
         they all blended on his features
         for the amusement of the gathered crowd
         so tired of T.V.
                           02 Oct 73

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —