Archive for the ‘AAA – Recommended’ Category

1983-07-06 Morning Thunder

Wednesday, July 6th, 1983
                     Morning Thunder
         The dawn thunders over the Buddha hall
         as the army of orange gathers once more
         for Satsang with the Master
         and we, who are we, my heart probes
         ditch diggers and doctors
         dark gypsies and fine spun high born
         faces born of any crowd
         save the filter of their hearts
         which has passed them thru
         to where the dawn comes like a lover
         over the Oregon desert
         and the gift of enlightenment
         is a real promise.
                           06 july 83 - Rajneeshpuram

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Friday, June 1st, 1984

Mists of time around me, sweeping.
A lamp in the moving fog
of some greater darkness, I.
Impressions of progress and decay, fragmented
small glimmers of understanding
against the animal’s short run.
Film spliced, images racing, overlaid
in bursts of light and shadow.
But what cares the screen beneath.
We run unarmed, to battles unwinable
and our love’s the only comfort taken
and our small awarenesses
the only progress made.
Death and pain and dissolution and decay.
We are motes in the vortex of life’s sink.
Our children only a momentary reverse.
Come the mists and darkness, I wait …
weathered and drawn in animal skin
receptive to an unknown God.
Rose and Danny and Chris
and these lines on my face
and those on these papers I’ve traced
these are the only measures I can discern
of what I’ve wrought
in this time and mist and darkness.

1 jun 84
Irvine, CA

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1984-06-24 For the pictures

Sunday, June 24th, 1984

                    For the pictures

   In the gray half light I saw the picture patterns she'd hung;
   imperishable for this moment, and so fragile for all the rest.
   Someday, I may remember these, that tonight I can see.
   Somewhere, down the imponderable paths our lives wind,
   I could be dropped into another world - far from this
   and Rose's pictures and Danny's manhood and Chris' cheeks
   may all be photographs and memories then ...
   indeed...we all will be, someday.

   So this moment ... I cannot stop it, cannot delay it
   and I cannot waste it, least I regret.

   So easy to lose it against hungers or moods or fatigue.
   The kindness and love we give and receive...
   it seems so mixed with the mundane and the trivial sometimes.

   But all the lessons of our lives wait before us;
   lessons from which no one escapes alive.

   What more could God give us than the people we love
   and the passion of living out our lives with them
   in family/friend chains of living change?

                           24 jun 84

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —