Archive for the ‘Spiritual’ Category


Wednesday, September 17th, 1975
               In the early morning
               when the fires are roaring slowly
               the dreams that come to me
               can be born of something now
               and I see that its my father
               whose awake.
               His light is wove within the winds
               and deeds of all my brothers
               and I can see his smiling face
               behind the fabric of my life.
                                 17 september 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Friday, October 15th, 1976

         There's no enjoyment of this life in them.
         Its a straight and narrow purgatory
         waiting here for the next life.
         Life is a trial, all provided with love,
         by the Lord to test one's faith.

         Its love, love your brothers and sisters
         without passion, comfort and befriend them,
         with eyes full of blind love,
         be meek and modest and remember
         that if what you're doing feels good
         it must be a sin.

         Come together in church halls
         and speak the language of the reborn
         and raise your hands and voices up
         asking for a sign but never allowing a doubt.

         Be patient and accepting,
         though its beyond all knowing,
         for surely a Lord,
         who would have you give up everything
         in this life,
         must have some reward for you
         in the next, right?

                                    Oct 15, 76

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Tuesday, October 26th, 1976

         Walking blind, except when I'm fooling myself.
         I know too much, think too much
         and in the steady erosion of my ignorance,
         I perish and cry out; dust to dust.

         I'm nothing more than what I am not.
         I'm nothing more than the choices I've made.
         I'm nothing more than a question constantly asked.

         And I try, like original sin, to answer.
         I'm an aching void when my knowing leaves me
         confronting the unknown without
         as blind as a baby reborn.

                                    26 Oct 76

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —