Archive for the ‘Spiritual’ Category


Tuesday, October 25th, 1983


      Almost inarticulate against visions of armageddon
      too unreal these views emerging from behind
      the everyday facades of stability and order


      Patterns forming nets across our family photographs
      everyday images fading to ghostly translucence
      my eyes water looking at trees and children


      This deep feeling that we're in danger of loosing so much
      and still we ride to work thru the morning sunlight
      coffee'd and pressed clothes and all unimpressed


      Unimpressed by Lebanon or Central America or starvation
      Unimpressed by our growing genetic and ecological ruin
      or the future that all our inattention is building
      for the innocent eyes of those children we spawn and so love


      Plastic and possessions, positions and titles, addresses and markets
      these define our tangible realities, blind us to deeper stories


      Deeper patterns forming so slowly that we miss them across generations
      like children who's attentions spans are too short
      to appreciate the calculus our blind progress has created


      but nature and karmic reality have never waited
      on the conceit of the affected or the responsible
      for permission to play out the wheel of causality


                                    25 oct 83





— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Tuesday, June 19th, 1984

I have glimmers and flashes
of what the masters have
brief windows of grace
foundations glimpsed
my thoughts are full
of the desire to act
but I cannot
for if I cannot hold
their vision now
how could I amid acting

I want it solid and sure
I want to cut to the heart
so I must act from the heart

and the heart,
the heart is not yet full.

19 jun 84

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1984-06-24 For the pictures

Sunday, June 24th, 1984

                    For the pictures

   In the gray half light I saw the picture patterns she'd hung;
   imperishable for this moment, and so fragile for all the rest.
   Someday, I may remember these, that tonight I can see.
   Somewhere, down the imponderable paths our lives wind,
   I could be dropped into another world - far from this
   and Rose's pictures and Danny's manhood and Chris' cheeks
   may all be photographs and memories then ...
   indeed...we all will be, someday.

   So this moment ... I cannot stop it, cannot delay it
   and I cannot waste it, least I regret.

   So easy to lose it against hungers or moods or fatigue.
   The kindness and love we give and receive...
   it seems so mixed with the mundane and the trivial sometimes.

   But all the lessons of our lives wait before us;
   lessons from which no one escapes alive.

   What more could God give us than the people we love
   and the passion of living out our lives with them
   in family/friend chains of living change?

                           24 jun 84

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —