Archive for the ‘1978’ Category


Tuesday, July 18th, 1978
      When you look into me
            you are Columbus and i am America
            you are Marco Polo and i am China
      Your eyes are your ship
            and with them you ride
            the deep oceans of my soul.
      and you discover me and seek my treasure
            and you find
                           the gold that is my heart
                     and the silk that is my spirit
                     and the jewels that are my thoughts
                     and the diamonds that are my tears
                           and sometimes my laughter
      Come, brave explorer
      for there is still much to discover
      Come take the treasure of my being
      for you have planted your flag
            upon my heart
         and all that lies within
                                    is yours
                                       for the journey
      Sweet Man-child
      your wide-eyed innocence fills my heart
      your trust in life, tho from the start
                        she left you
               left you with so few warm places
               left you a searcher for kind faces
               left you a seeker of soft embraces
      When will you grow
         when will you know
               that she won't hold you?
                           Kathi K.

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Friday, July 21st, 1978

Vancouver, no city of light at 1 am
the country’s poorer … the eskimos and indians
fill the bars

No one’s pretty…desolation on so many faces
prostitutes…everyone is an enemy to them, walk the streets
the glitter facade, the trash behind
I stumbled into a bar where everyone
looked asiatic and bitter
long black stringy hair
dumpy women wearing sunglasses

Did we come here, Kathi and I, to play in this town?
it looks as if everyone with nothing is here
driving junk cars and losing…losing

The fine hotels rise amid the circus-circus bars
and the sidewalk girls

The streets are roamed by men-boys out to find manhood
walking in bravado pairs or shambling alone
into desolation and some more alcohol to get it right
or kill the lack

conquer a shabby woman…fight the barroom brawl
talk with drunken gusto…drink away the truths.

21 july 78 – 1st nite in Vancouver

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Monday, July 24th, 1978

Feeling good 1100 miles from home
I really love this Canadian city.
I can travel all around
I think its nice I’ve found
the peace of mind to see this city as better
life won’t catch me sleeping
with cities like this in the wings
easy feeling so far from home
the differences are good
some part of me, amazed, says better
the cabbie, the waiter, the tour guide
all loved their country so easily
the government radio station is good
and politics are not so serious
the city services are excellent and sensible
I wonder if it matters
that I fell in love with two ladies here
Kathy and Vancouver.

Magic magic days
Vancouver City
and Kathy’s untried
three days ascending
sweet canadian ride
I think I loved her
I feel good inside
I can’t remember
when I’ve loved a city so
vancouver skyline, Vancouver bay
I smiled in your faces
and watched you at play
you shared our solace
you shared our time
I say, ‘thank you’, city
for being so fine.

24 july 78 – upon flying out of Vancouver

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —