Archive for the ‘1979’ Category


Tuesday, June 19th, 1979

         Ten years I've loved this girl
         and I'm falling in love with her again.
         I'm beyond trying to understand
         what we are or what we'll be.
         Its just enough that life can hold this much for me;
         that I should love someone like Rose
         and that she could love someone like me.

         No mystery there of first time flesh, new skin to touch.
         No modesty or politeness, no measuring or comparing
         and yet, new.

         Each evolution of kindness is built
         on all that went before.
         Each caring, each easy assumption, each knowing...
         The appreciation of time and love's memories
         pressed in the squeeze of a hand.
         That happy glow just to join company.

         Its been so long since we've had pause to grow;
         divorce, lovers, bitter words,
         pain, growth, ...all unchangeable,
         all necessary for us to come here to this new love.

                                    19 Jun 1979

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Thursday, September 13th, 1979

How strange that Kathy brought it home
to me today tripping on acid, Helen … Helen
in perspective … Helen explainable … Helen real
and now magical … Helen intact.

All my work to shed roles and avoid subjective
artifice struggling so against habits and training
to leave my heritage behind me and I found
waiting on the same station platform when I arrived,
Helen. Helen, stripped of all the same
by reason of biochemical insanity, there at the same
juncture. One stripped by volition and one by
insanity .. we recognized our kin
no matter how we had come there.

13 sep 79

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Thursday, September 13th, 1979

Roles … too long we’ve been tangled up in roles.
Masculine, feminine, woman, man, interlocked,
symbiotic, fragile and unreal.
Unreal outside of our embraces
and the ego treasures we both carried off.
Today, with acid whispering in my ear I looked
at this … us.

I’m not comfortable outside our enclaves…
what is there of us
if we stop our male/females dances?

Clear eyed, we considered it and, hopefully,
opened a deeper way.

Consciousness, let us break our role chains.

13 sep 79

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —