Archive for the ‘1984’ Category


Saturday, January 7th, 1984

That she can welcome me home
after tripping
with no more in her voice
than concern that I drive careful
says a lot

Like wood that weathers the winter
so whether we…

7 Jan 84
LSD with Freddie
Irvine, CA

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1984-01-09 Re: 7 Jan 84, tripping

Monday, January 9th, 1984

Re: 7 Jan 84, tripping

The new year’s come to me
something’s going to stir
the stones are coming down
between me and my dream realities

I dropped acid with Freddie
and went as far into it as…
madness and dissolution
I sighed and I waited,
I cannot be disassembled.

I doubt acid holds magic for me anymore
flaming destruction of ego and boundaries
I just wait and survive
proof again of both sanity and folly

We share our roots, Freddie and I
but our futures lie ahead.

9 jan 84
Irvine, CA

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Thursday, January 12th, 1984

Damn it! I’m getting tired of patience compassion and meditation.
I want some lightning and thunder, some trauma and triumph.
I’m tired of being on hold.
Whatever it is I’m supposed to sort out isn’t coming to me
everyone’s deflecting; wishy-washy.
I exercise, I work, I wait and I read.
I love, I age, I lose myself for days at a time.
I want to put the hammer down NOW!
And say, ‘See me, confront me, deal with me’.
Wear me life, don’t just let me age away in a plastic bag.

12 jan 84
Irvine, CA

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —