Archive for the ‘1985’ Category


Friday, October 25th, 1985

Hurt drawn across her
hanging fragile
in brittle, painful self-control.
What to say…
in a heart-storm.

No longer slash and tear
rip and run
but another note there
that I cannot recognize
in Rose of 15 years.

25 Oct 85

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Friday, October 25th, 1985

Come the clouds of the empty spaces
like snow drifting into my memories.
I feel that empty ache
and see faces that may now be
only photograph memories.

Love and aging and unfolding;
these flowers in our lives
that bloom with such passion
and fade so hard
against relentless time.

Chris at six, only once.
Every moment precious, unstoppable.
Blood and love, kinship there,
my soul divided.

See how it is…
We bet our lives so utterly
in the stories we’re weaving,
the beds where we sleep.

25 Oct 85

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1985-10-27 Monday Oct 27.85

Sunday, October 27th, 1985
                                               Monday Oct 27.85
              You're wrong Dennis;  as tight as we are your
         problems with Rose concern me too.
              Your phone call last night disturbed me more than
         anything said or done before.  I understood and could
         feel how hurt you were but it made me feel so shut out;
         as if I didn't exist in your life at this point.
              It sure put things into perspective.  And it
         raised a lot of questions.
              I know it has already started me thinking about
         being involved with a man who is so incredibly in love
         with ex-wife.  Do I really want to spend another,
         three, six months whatever, at the mercy of another
         woman's emotions.  I'm already in limbo not knowing if
         you're going to be here next month, fuck this.  Cliche
         as it may sound, I really don't need it.
              I'm not and I have never asked you for anything
         unreasonable, I'm not asking you for a commitment or to
         predict the future; I'm not asking you to change your
         life style, just a little respect and consideration;
              I'm very much a part of this and you owe me an
         explanation.  I have become, thanks to you, a bit more
         self-centered and calculating, so tell me where do I
         stand in all this?
              I really don't like any of it.  You probably need
         to collect your thoughts and feelings for a while; I'll
         wait.  Give me a call when you're ready to talk.

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —