Archive for the ‘1985’ Category


Monday, November 11th, 1985
            I just want new words to say
              how I feel about you.
                              11 Nov 85

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Wednesday, November 20th, 1985

I got the rain coming down on me
I got the rain but the pain’s for free.
Its like they told me
a long time ago;
the things that come down on you
are the things you need.

If it comes down to it,
I know I can win,
If winning means
that I survive.
I won’t stand on that road
when the heavy trucks come by
because when I see those headlights
I’ll remember how to fly.

Its been a long time since I’ve felt like this;
with my heart doors closing and my feelings on the run.
I’ve left Rose stranded at the end of our long stand
to turn and find Lise saying, ‘I’ve found another man.’
And she says its nothing but, perhaps,
the thrill of the chase.
and she says she’d like to see him,
and she lays my peace to waste.
I don’t own her, so there’s nothing much to say
but I wish this deadly fear of loosing her
would stop and go away.

20 November 85

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Wednesday, November 20th, 1985

I’ve been going around in circles all day
bouncing between a resentful jealousy
and a readiness to reject her
before she really hurts me.
And, sometimes, a flash of understanding
of the true dynamics here…
An recognition that unless I love her
as she is, come what may,
there is no possibility
that she will ever love me
as I want to be loved by her.

20 Nov 85

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —