Archive for the ‘1985’ Category


Tuesday, December 10th, 1985

I used to tell Lise that I’d dreamed about her
at some indefinable time in the past.
Soft memories of her passion and spirit were there;
a hundred impassioned afternoons in an upstairs garret
lost in the play of lovers.

I could never explain or remember more
of these gossamer images but that she brought
these memories out in me ….

Once, on mushrooms, she saw a terrifying view
of some desperate moment
in the middle ages
that scared and moved her deeply.

She and I talked about
if we’d known each other before, as lovers do.

Today, something finally connected for me.
Lise and I have met before
and what has happened between us now
is part of it.
Perhaps we’ve met many times before
on this very battlefield
of passion and pain and addiction
we’ve just quit.

In the past I must have killed her for love,
or she me, or we may have both died of it…

Perhaps, many times, in different places
and different ways.
Always struggling against this same insanity
and indebtedness that addictive love engenders.
Unable to summon the spiritual strength
to endure, we must have succumbed to violence.
just to come back
and try and work it out again.

Last night we succeeded.
We went through all the passion and pain together
and found the grace to remember ourselves,
the strength to know that our spiritual natures
are more enduring than these
material illusions so seamlessly woven.

10 dec 85

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Wednesday, December 11th, 1985

Different people, friends
are telling me the same thing.
I cannot have a new future
and hold on to my love for Rose too.

She and others I cling to
are security blankets
that prevent my potential growth
by minimizing risk and change for me.

And if I cannot find the interest or will
to go deeper into my relationship with her
then I should get out of it for both of us
or we will forever remain in limbo.

This may not be the only thing
that caused me to lose Lise’s love
but it certainly played some part in it…
in leaving her heart open to Anthony.

11 dec 85

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Wednesday, December 11th, 1985

As the song says,
“Now it begins, those needles and pins”.

Monday, when I left Lise, it was hard, but necessary.
Tuesday, I could still taste the tenderness of parting.
Wednesday, …
comes the emptiness and waiting
for this hole in my heart to fill.

The beingness of things
just seems to hiss around me now
like a radio left between stations…
Godot … I’m waiting for Godot.

11 dec 85

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —