Archive for the ‘1985’ Category


Wednesday, December 11th, 1985

Comes the winter’s wait
the afternoon’s dying so quickly
the light low and sharp
incandescent, the dying leaves
against the darkening blue.

It waits out there for me,
fate with cold hands
come to claim me.

11 dec 85

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Thursday, December 12th, 1985

I’m learning from Shirley MacLaine’s book,
“Dancing in the Light”, where she talks about Vassy
and I’m learning from Lise, this last month,
that, for some people, there is no moment for feeling
but now.

They see love and pain and chance
as inseparably bound;
this moment, they love, the next, they change
and there is, for them, no contradiction.

Life is passion and pain, sunlight and rain.
They live both sides and bear love and loss
but they do not run from the pain and insecurity
to hide in promises or stagnant relationships.

I’m just waking up to such courage at 38
and Lise and Anthony
say they’re tired and ready to settle down.
To find someone they can grow old with…
all these years … have I awoken too late?

12 dec 85

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Thursday, December 12th, 1985

What an empty place this is;
waiting for my heart to heal.
And no one can help me here
waiting for the closing of the year.

Only Thursday … only come to Thursday
from ending Monday
and, perhaps, the hours are only just beginning
to grind me.

My mind, like some incessant weasel,
follows me everywhere
with memories, words, and fantasies
images and remembered feelings.

I read, I wait patiently, I talk to friends,
I exercise until I ache.
I pray for understanding and peace and acceptance
and my heart … aches and aches.

Rose cannot help me, nor can Kathleen.
Helen K. cannot help me.
Only time will heal me
and to get its healing
I must pass its flaming passage.

12 dec 85

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —