Archive for the ‘1989’ Category


Saturday, February 25th, 1989

I understand why you and I work.
We both wanted someone with our own level of intelligence
and who would judge us based on our spiritual goals.
That’s where we live.
We could be with someone who judged us on grooming
or business acumen but what good would that be for us?
That you share the same spiritual goals is everything.
The fact that so much else falls into place nicely
is just gravy.
And maybe it means we’re going to get the issue of relationships
worked out this time and free and impower each other
at the same time.
If we, as two people, can get along
then it gives us credibility
if we turn our attention outward.
And, the best part of all this
is that I don’t know any reason why it can’t be so
and it’s what I want.

san juan capistrano
25 feb 89

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Monday, February 27th, 1989

You go away
and I miss the touch of your skin
and the edge of your intelligence,
the pleasure of your sincerity.

But when you are gone
I reflect and read and exist
in the quiet spaces
and there are insights
and different contentments.

And as I seek for truth and light
you constantly come to mind
and I treasure these thoughts
even as I treasure your return.

27 feb 89

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Tuesday, June 27th, 1989

Sanity isn’t something you lose and go insane
It’s something you have and you work on to get more.
It just depends on which way you look at it.

Lincoln, NB

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —