Archive for the ‘2023’ Category

2023-10-25 – Ancestry

Monday, September 25th, 2023

An hour can be so long.
And even a minute.
And yet the years stretch behind us,

And here they lie before me
with all their days and hours; each lived.
Their births, marriages, children and deaths
one after the other; again and again.

I find myself pulled through time
to the coal fields of Eastern Pennsylvania
and the farms and dirt roads
where they all lived.

Rising and falling,
naming their children and passing their years.
And each with a life
as rich and full of feeling as mine.

I slot them here, one after the other, in their lives; come and gone
and nothing is left of them – save for a few photocopies
of old hand-written ledgers and some grainy photos
of faces who never saw a telephone or a light bulb.

And yet, in these pictures,
their eyes shine bright
with the light of a day, now forever gone,
but so clear and real to them … then.

And even after all this sifting through their lives
and dwelling on their passings,
my own mortality still, somehow,
remains, to me, just a possibility.


2023-10-16 – Choices

Thursday, October 19th, 2023

I said ‘no’, when they wanted me
to kill people
in a foreign land.

And I said ‘no’, when love wanted
to keep me
in chains of emotional dependence.

But now that death and aging have come
to ask for my hand
I cannot say no.


2023-11-02 – First Sight

Thursday, November 2nd, 2023

The local ‘manifested’ when
it began to echo itself.

Its self-replication
became the heartbeat
of something new
within the default.

Remaking itself faster
than it could be remelted
back into everything,
it began to stand alone.

Existence began to spawn
a self-awareness
with which to eventually
see and reflect on itself.

We are first sight
finding its way.
