Archive for the ‘2023’ Category

2023-12-29 – Murmurs

Saturday, December 30th, 2023

I awake in the morning from dreams;
with the sound of rain
slowly filling the space
around me.

And my awareness arises,
quietly regarding the mysteries
my thoughts begin.

This mind, with all of its small interests,
just wants to understand enough
to survive, procreate and
to spite the ever creeping
entropic darkness.

We are both the lightness of being
and the darkness of conclusions drawn.
And all the while
the animal, within us,
still growls.

And we so automatically form
those beliefs
that prevent us from seeing
the naked truth
that lies all around us, endlessly.

And that naked truth
is utterly indifferent
as to whether we see it
or not.

The rain murmurs outside
and I turn and burrow deeper
into the covers of a bed
in a house where I am loved.

I am, in this one moment then, mind.
And in the next, just simple presence.

And I am all of this
while the rain
murmurs and sings
and the mysteries enfold me.


2023-07-25 – How Small

Monday, March 11th, 2024

That which can imagine things
is ever so much less
than that which evolved to allow it to
imagine things.

Consider the 3.5 billion years of evolution
which created all the machinery and complexity
that allows you to have even the smallest
self-awareness that you exist.
