Archive for the ‘Years’ Category

1975-04-21 In response to Herberts Dune

Monday, April 21st, 1975
                 In response to Herbert's Dune

         The value of thoughts beyond words
         lies in their ability to stimulate
         the 'sense of truth' when alluded to.

         Thus an author's craft is not
         to explain his innermost understanding
         so much as to allude to it consistently
         during his discourse on more tangible matters.

                                 21 april 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1975-04-21 Projection

Monday, April 21st, 1975

               I asked her
                 wasn't our love clearer for the absences
                 and our moments together, sharper...

               And she said, "No",
                 that she had always loved me
                 without reservation.

                                 21 apr 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1975-04-21 Empty waiting fills me

Monday, April 21st, 1975
               Empty waiting fills me
                  hands touch and caress me
                     hold me ... detain me,
                        brush me ... love me ...
                           and then on the edge of leaving
                              I remain.

               My pain ... becomes me
                  and I dress for the waiting

               Its for sure I can't leave
                  without my goodbye
                     and so I remain ...
                        unwilling to take it.

               Rushed by hands to wait
                  I feel the pain ...
                     and then they take it.

                              21 April 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —