Archive for the ‘Years’ Category

1975-06-05 Leaving for Colorado

Thursday, June 5th, 1975
                          Leaving for Colorado

      Brink bound feeling, this, the empty clutching
        I write, filled... to empty myself of my experience
      dangerous games, these, I play with my love and sanity.

      The gray sky awaits me beyond the roof tops
        and I wait for synchronicity or sanity or hope to begin
           before I leave for Colorado.

      I'm rejecting my humanness, somehow, with these experiments
        and it's overwhelming me
           I'm NOT free of love and love's need.

      Did I begin too soon? I too weak...
        dead questions, dead
      its all as it must be, these days will play their parts
        in my education like all the rest.

      I'm pleased you share my experiences, Rose
        I can't say it with words but with my sad heart
      and that full up lump in my throat that
        recalls for me, so clearly, your place in my dance.

                               5 jun 75
                               - departing to see Ron in Colorado

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Monday, June 9th, 1975
         The old house,
           Ron's wedding pictures showed.
           Those rooms filled with friends, Rose... Rose
         shining straight hair and wedding joys
           suffused her face and filled my heart
             with memories sad and distant.
         Clinging, aching, with eyes watering I gazed
           on this view of other times and places.
         My heart aches, wrongly, for those rooms now
           mostly for those times and Rose's light
             which I see here in each frame.
                              9 jun 75
                              Villa Grove, Colorado

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1975-06-19 Maya exam

Thursday, June 19th, 1975
                       Maya exam

      Either I'm paranoid or God plays with me
        in his giant clockwork school of existence.
      I've known grace and now its become the carrot
        that makes me know my experience
           or slip back into faking it.
      My uncle says I think too much about my thinking
        gazing into the mirror wondering who it is
           that is looking back at me.
      And its true ... I wield the mirror well
        seeing both sides of everything ... but myself.
      Diane says we're going to hell
        but not to worry, she laughs,
      'All our friends will be there'...
        and my body cannot deny her.
      Chris says she's found the way
        to overcome herself through Christ
      and she shines conditional joy upon me
        complete beyond trying or touch, safe.
      Rose says there isn't anything else
        just babies and trust and patience
      and, that without lust or striving, we could settle
        into watching the years we're given pass.
      And I, I the chess master, weave and stagger
        from move to move ... mirror in hand.
                           19 Jun 75
                           Long Beach

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —