Archive for the ‘Years’ Category


Friday, July 11th, 1975
         We each reflect ourselves
           and the others we care about.

         They become our hell and our salvation,
           all of our karma is delivered
         in the hands of our beloveds.

         Each subject to love and reflections
           in the pool of maya, ours.

         We all pause in our tunnels of time
           to witness our ends tied to our means.

         We each pause to count our successes
           against our failures.

                           11 jul 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Sunday, July 20th, 1975
            Shafts of my emptiness fill out my time before me
              time lines of what I'm becoming, given me.
            I pause and consider, at once, my destiny and choices...
              woven around this node, I fly thru time.
            I'm growing but there's so much to know
              and I've so far to go
                 to clear the material world.
              What crazy dreams we spin
                 so unlike the truth.
            My heart jumps each time the phone rings
              but its only someone I know again.
                                    gallagher 20 jul 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Wednesday, July 23rd, 1975
            I don't know why I give it all away
              I don't know who I'm waiting for today
            it seems I'm looking thru the dark
              but nothing comes to me ...
                 I'm giving it all away.
            Eyes flash! and I'm lost again
              hollow men take form, again
            and once more
              the wheel turns, again.
            I give it all away to arrive
              without luggage
            without wishes or fears ...
              to simply be there
            but its a strange way
              so easily lost, day to day.
            Its so tempting to stop and play
              just to feel the rush of love and pain.
                                 23 jul 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —