Archive for the ‘Years’ Category


Thursday, August 7th, 1975
      Clever world, this, that outfoxes me at every step.
        Maya changes to illusion each time I arrive to claim my dreams.
      I used to be quite satisfied to do the best I could
        but now I can't even find that mark
        in this strange world where illusion and truth
        reciprocate like day and night.
      I am, at every pass, both act and result
        Karma and consciousness, awake and asleep,
        unable to move upstream against my experiences.
      I'm playing in a game bigger than my comprehension
        scattered in reactions, I'm gathering only enough
        to be sure I'm not winning, yet.
                                 7 aug 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1975-08-18 Denise Downs

Monday, August 18th, 1975
                             Denise Downs
         I'm in love with this life, though I don't understand it much.
         Eyes as clear as mine look back sometimes
         from another universe quite outside my own...
            Denise flys on impluse and lands on friends between hops
            and tells me its as simple as it seems
            with eyes that hide no lies.
         She's there, and she's not
            and I don't really know why
            but I love to watch her eyes and to see her fly
            She's crazy and she knows it
            and she smiles all the time
            'No sense', she says, 'in trying to act straight,
            when you're far beyond the line.'
                                          18 aug 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1975-09-08 Breaking thru

Monday, September 8th, 1975
                             Breaking thru
         I'm coming down again, I think
           to mellower times with school and Rose.
         I'm not so sharp at figuring it out anymore
           but my heart moves me just as well as my words used to
         when I thought I could out guess
           God and his plans.
         He is the consequence inherant in my acts,
           the events which follow my choice.
         He is there...more subtly than I could have believed
           behind my acts and choices, behind my rewards and pain.
         He matches my every act
           with justice and responsability
         He's predestined it to let me make my choices and find my way,
           by my own choice, to His plan and my own, the same.
         I can no more live without his love and my concience
           than I could bear my pain endlessly without my joy.
                                       8 sept 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —