Archive for the ‘Years’ Category


Monday, September 22nd, 1975
            Sometimes I imagine I'm free...
            that I've come thru my conditioning
            to the other side
            where my choices are really mine.
            But then I feel the groundswell
            of my society and times
            and I become a leaf again
            in the torrent of our history
            bumping into the other leaves
            as we are all carried along...
            along to the same problems and illusions
            which surround us as we fall.
            We're on the apital end of evolution, bound
            to what ever final destiny awaits leaves
            and their small dreams.
                                 22 september 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Monday, September 22nd, 1975
         All visions turn and fade away.
         All realities eventually become a play.
         I walk on the edge of becoming
         someone I don't know,
         to avoid something worse.
         In and out of my plays,
         alternately, I weave both sides
         of sanity together;
         the real and the illusion...
         Better men than I have tried
         to symbolize the essence of living
         for reasons no better than mine.
         everything worth doing is just a choice,
         making it, just a move
         which fills the time we're passing,
         as we chose.
                                 25 september 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1975-10-08 Procrastinating again…

Wednesday, October 8th, 1975
                       Procrastinating again...
         beginnings the hardest, again and again.
         To fill and empty myself of facts...
         Somehow, as I've grow, I die
         but I'm more aware of it
           these times wired all night.
         I've know a little now of who I am...
         The Irish tinkerer.
         Walk me, professors, thru all the mysteries...
         but all I crave are the basics;
         the common denominators,
         the sudden flashes of insight,
           theirs and mine.
         Stacks of facts and memories
         are the maya of science to me
         and though they may be necessary
         they bring me down below my optimum.
         But, here, where I fly, just on the twilight,
         between facts and imaginations
         and patterns and hallucinations...
         I love the jumps, the correlations,
         the ultimate unity beyond words
         that almost yields purpose
         before it colesceses
         into the everything which is nothing.
         I love to climb in magnitude
         when I seek to understand
         not to sink in detail
         waiting to bottom out below confusion.
                              8 Oct 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —