Archive for the ‘Years’ Category


Wednesday, October 15th, 1975
               What does it all mean?
               When I can walk by a woman
               and feel her presence as in a dream.
               I know its her, as she knows it me,
               and we're both walking and feeling it;
               thinking we're we...
               What does it all mean,
               this compass stop of awareness centered
               and interest locked.
                                    15 Oct 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Wednesday, October 22nd, 1975
            Let it be and enjoy being
            the stomach is tight
            braced against adversity
            the mind is tired
            from the effort of manipulation
            fall into the featherbed of consciousness
            and let it be, and feel it diffuse
            becoming what it always was
            let being and experience interpenetrate you
            until your essence grows warm and relaxed
            with the exchange.
                                 22 Oct 75
                                 - after reading Ken Keyes 'Handbook'

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Thursday, October 30th, 1975
           An old man at twenty-eight
           is how I feel sometimes
           out of ideals and things worth doing
           some deluded dreamer drifting
           on the backwash of grace.
           A grace which forever dries, as I approach the source.
           Too frail to take life by storm
           and too strong to let it pass quietly
           I'm forever in the jangle space
           between senselessness
           and my longing for purpose.
           And to the end of logic and back
           many times I've been...
           pressed against the mirror of faith there
           I've seen, too often, nothing but my own eyes
           staring back.
                                    30 Oct 75

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —