Archive for the ‘Years’ Category


Monday, August 29th, 1977

            Walking on pins and needles, I'm receding.
            Tense all day, I'm sure I must be bleeding.
            So thin...
              walking on the edge
                 of falling into bad times....

            Eggs shell smiles, eyes boring in.
            I'm uptight, my cover's getting thin.
            So hard to...
              keep keeping on
                 when I think I'm losing in love....

                                 29 August 1977

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Tuesday, August 30th, 1977

         Its raining pain
           and there's nothing I can do but take it.
              let it ache and wait.
         I'm twisting for relief
           empty mind, thinking mind
              waiting for this bad dream to pass
                 and beginning to know it won't.
         I can't imagine what my nights are going to be like
           for the next 3 or 4 months
              coming home to aching arc-lite rooms
                 waiting for salvation to call on the phone
                    and extend the agony of parting again.
         So many empty rooms in my mind and heart
           to confront me when I close my eyes.
              And all the hours will wait empty for love's presence
                 and all the things I own will whisper to me
                    'she washed me, she resented me, she fixed me.'
         Relentless pain with no promise of relief.

                                 30 Aug 1977

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Wednesday, August 31st, 1977

        Ah, I'm walking in a dream;
           the silent shadow of my own long scream.
         Pain and hurt mingle and I seem
           to be in an empty and full,
         at the same time, dream.

         I want to call out or talk to someone, but who?
           She's pulled away, my strength and security, she,
         for reasons I understand no better than my own
         The things she wants, I don't
           But, without her I want nothing.
         Have I come here against so soon?

                                 31 Aug 77

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —