Archive for the ‘Years’ Category


Monday, January 9th, 1978
            Smile and flow, touch our cells
               streams of time bound in form, we
            the seeds of suns burn in our eyes
               cast in the relief of these moments
            children of chance, the best of nonsense
               laughing it all away
            we run on and down scarlet streamers
               universes dying to become real
            our cells are our templates, timeless
               behind these moments, our loves, our deaths
            I love our smiles which never cease
               and as our passion bears us again
                  the ground waits beneath us forever
                              01-09-78 - about helen k.
                              long beach

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Monday, January 9th, 1978

Tapestries surround me … richness and texture
I feel blessed
Helen grows more beautiful with the months …
the rainy afternoon I rode thru to be here, soaked
to be here warm when she came
a warm space and time between two lives so different

And Rose, so much a part of me
let me stray for just a few hours
and I see how beautiful she always is
her hair, her face, her body, her hips
her spirit, her little girl, her mother
all of her just by being in my life blesses me
her love, her nature, her lack of pretense.


01-09-78 – for two ladies

long beach

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Thursday, January 12th, 1978

Old Sol rises up and finds me here
though I’ve abused the night
and wasted the best of my hours
unrepaired and pressing
for more than I can sustain.

The day breaks and I’m unworthy,
not risen, well slept, to be born again
but bedraggled and haunted by the hours past.

We’ve risen so often together
I running through the alleys and park trees
and Sol above the poles and steeples.

First flush, just we two, in the crisp morning air
through the sleeping parkland and dew laden grass
the cool air against sweat and muscles
you open it all up to me
again and again.

jan 12 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —