Archive for the ‘Years’ Category


Saturday, February 25th, 1978

How dry the leaves and empty
my first winter into the thirties
I could disappear without contact
be a person lost without love.

I’ve told Rose I won’t come back now
and the winter starts to blow,
I’ve told Rose I’d love to see her
but when she moves I know
she’ll take her summer laughter with her
and leave me here to grow.
She’ll take my love and son then
and leave me here to know
how dry the leaves…and empty
when the winter winds begin to blow
and alone and empty I am
as I begin to know…

But I chose these winter empty stomach days
and I chose the waiting for my life’s new phase
and lead me to the summer sunshine
where I’m bound to go.

feb 25, 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Monday, February 27th, 1978

Sultry, like the musician in the movie Steppenwolf
feeling on that subverbal frequency, Carlos,
full bore and gripping everyone’s awareness.
people can feel it, just feel it.
liquid awareness, presence, laughing and serious
Carmen’s another like him
one days its me, another its her
‘Hi, what’s happening…’, we both know…
strong lady, she’s got presence
blowing’ everyone away and catchin’ flak for it
straight arrow vision
feeling, like a shock wave, natural
I like her, I’m afraid of her
I like the test she is
so much better than the empty people
the pastry people, the dying people
in between moments of her life
she sells me wine
in between moments of mine
I see her.

27 feb 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Friday, March 3rd, 1978

Some ladies just leave a hole
once they’ve passed thru
I’ll never free myself
from their memories

I miss them like a child
some level of sanity shock
they gave me, I needed it
and still do

Diane, Carol, Suzanne, Kathy
all left me remembering
their reality

How can I replace
Diane’s electric feelings and contradictions
or Carol’s intelligence and clear mind
or Suzanne’s psychic eyes
or Kathy`s poise and efficiency?

I want those realities, new or old
everything else is a game of forms
shock me with depth, life,
I’m not afraid to dare, try me.

3 mar 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —