The ides again— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —
Brittle days these
between my lives, dying
her cries tear at me
and some days my own loneliness
mocks me.
I feel her pain,
the pain of love ripping out
by the roots.
Today I wake empty
and feel alone all day.
I want to be held,
and earlier line haunts me…
‘What wonderland jungle is this that I’ve chose
in exchange for the loving nearness of Rose.’
Today, I want to lean on someone
but Rose is packing her love away
and I can’t pay her price.
mar 13, 78
Archive for the ‘Years’ Category
1978-03-13 The ides again
Monday, March 13th, 19781978-03-18
Saturday, March 18th, 1978Brown eyes I can feel …
when her eyes meet mine
my secret smiles begin to burn
and I can’t remember the last time
I felt someone so much … without touching.
I smile until I have to break for sanity
from these brown eyes, so real.
18 mar 78
— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —
Saturday, March 18th, 1978How many years since I’ve fallen in love…— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —
our eyes meet and the moment’s electricity
turns to smiles… smiles we both bear
amid the echo we both see
It seems dangerous to be so happy for free
her company pleases me, regardless of our conversation
looking at her is pleasure
touching her is
and thinking of her is
Strong and driven
she’s flying from her past like I.
I look at her and see someone to match me
18 mar 78