Archive for the ‘Years’ Category


Wednesday, April 5th, 1978

Living crazier day by day
sometimes I wonder if I’ll be swept away
could my fortunes drop me off some edge
I feel the wind sometimes from that precipice

Its not a plan, I’m just staggering now
riding the crest of a good job
and my health
and knowing it for luck and youth

thinking I’ll get used to living alone
and writing poems like these

Rose would have me still
but I can’t find it in me
to give up this quest…

I want to squeeze life
until it reveals why it drives me so

and I’m not sure what I’m after
my youth’s passions will fade
and my lovers eyes will jade
our bodies grow old
and our careers peak

will this questing flame be so strong later
when love’s far behind me
and these illusions fallen away

I clutch it to me
perhaps just a small mirror of my ego
and I gamble everything away
day by day

apr 5, 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Wednesday, April 5th, 1978

Its so different between here and there.
just a dream two memories share.
and I remember from the other place
that her eyes and lips have pressed my face.

Its not easy to see her here,
amid the phones and the business air,
and sometimes we smile and say nothing much.
its empty and far…so far from touch.

Ah, but I remember where…remember where…

In the soft light I can see her eyes
looking at mine thru our impassioned highs
and her pursed lips waiting, dusky soft and square
like a crushed rose that cries for love’s repair

Yes, this comeS to me here, in the office now,
thru this glass wall amid the computer’s howl
that my soul has touched her’s in flight
and all these bright hours only await the night.

05 apr 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Thursday, April 6th, 1978

I hear the freight train running thru my soul
and something in me cries out to be whole

come find me, love

I’m waiting these days for a woman to come for me
and look at me into the back of my soul

I’ve seen glimpses of her in many people
but never once whole

She’ll have eyes that will make me lose the ground
and candor until I’ll cry for the beauty of her truthfulness
and strength and clear eyes

And, more than anything else,
she’ll love herself, simply and completely.


06 apr 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —