Archive for the ‘Culturium-II’ Category

1983-07-27 Awake

Wednesday, July 27th, 1983




      Awareness; so easy to conceive, so hard to maintain
         and each time I let it slip I know
      sooner or later that I've lost it
         when I awake, adrift, again.


      No formula will do it, only doing it will.
         As the knife hones to the sharpening stone,
      so I must go into it ... ever into it
         leaving all thoughts of 'it' behind.


      Food, sleep, exercise, work, loving and seeing
         are but a few names of the places I've slept.
      Bhagwan, Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu, and Mohammad
         are but a few names of those
            who have called us to awake.


      Here I write to make tangible the meditation
         but this paper and ink are not it.
      Here I am awake and want to stay so
         a baby Buddha crawling towards the light.




                           27 july 83 - Irvine, CA





— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1984-07-25 For Gerda

Wednesday, July 25th, 1984


                  For Gerda


      We walk by ...we touch ...we speak
        rivers form and merge, divide and entwine
        deep waters running
      like music with no beginning ...and no end.


      We are one thing ...and we are two, at once
        my sister, my lover, my mother, my friend
        we drink and the cup ...the cup never empties
      until we sleep.


      We talk and laugh ...and we cherish the ground
        like children who have found a magic place
        everything under our hands and eyes
      becoming God us ...complete.


                           25 july 84



— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1984-10-23 Reading Elizabeth Haich

Tuesday, October 23rd, 1984


                  Reading Elizabeth Haich


            Sometimes I imagine that by
            immersing myself in the lore
            of higher consciousness
            I will become enlightened.


            Like a child who puts on
            the clothes of the parent
            and parades about
            in a fantasy world.


            These things are only tools,
            choreographs of a dance,
            which cannot be experienced
            except by the dancer.


            Only paper and words to me
            unless I find the way
            to breath life into them
            in my dance of life.


                        23 Oct 84
                        - @ 35,000 ft
                          Dallas -> Orange County



— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —