Archive for the ‘Long Beach’ Category


Saturday, August 12th, 1978

I told her, “I am going to win.”
and I am.

If I have to run until I drop
and harden my eyes to only the visions I can handle
and if all my lovers depart me
and depression walks with its hand on my shoulder
I will win.

There’s no point otherwise, unless its to survive.
to run to exhaustion and work to absorption
and love to satiation and feel to utter permeation
do it all and survive as best I can.

I recall Joel’s “Zen sword of no sword.”
and my own, “Sanity at any cost.”
and I recall this afternoon’s rage and hurt,
so foolishly won, when I should have know better

I had nothing to gain but to pass some time
and so much to lose.

Next time, if I let myself in for pain,
it will be because the gain was worth the risk.
But…no matter, bold and considered, I will survive.

And, if love finds me short of some extreme,
I’ll give myself away again … willingly …
win or lose.

12 aug, 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1978-08-13 On Kathy

Sunday, August 13th, 1978

On Kathy

It makes me sad to think she’s drifting away
I loved her so, her brown eyes and her deep magic
I never understood what it was that called to me in her
a beautiful loner, she understood my ways very little
and yet there was, is, something that makes me ache for her love
but I’m beginning to see it could never be
not now, anyway. Not now in her life, maybe never
she’s deep in her aloneness and she may always live that way
I’m glad I love her no matter how it comes out
thank you, life.

13 aug 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —

1978-08-15 On Kathy, again

Tuesday, August 15th, 1978

On Kathy, again

It was reality mocking me about how I’d tried to see
it was gaining while giving it all away.
it was all the love I could want for free
and all I had to do was let it be.

Sadly, I’d thought we’d never be more
but when I settled for what was left
I found the Madonna there in your eyes
I found your loving touch to mine so wise

Electric skin, our eyes turned in,
the soft light pressing’ me and then
you smiled at me and we were gone again
and time’s small edges frayed away
gain pressing’ me and then
you smiled at me and we were gone again
and time’s small edge our bodies wind and climb
seeking all that words can’t say
..I know you know…you know I know…

that I can have your love and let you go is fine
I’m going to try and do it every time.

15 aug 78

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —