Archive for the ‘AAA – Recommended’ Category


Monday, January 20th, 1986

Rose, it gave me such a pleasure
to help with the children when you were sick today.
I know I wasn’t as much help as I could have been
fussing with the phone and the newspaper
but it made me realize what you do with them
like a farmer who digs his hands
deep into the soil that is his life.
You see them as life brimming, raw with promise.
A treasure of people just beginning.
A future world you can mother and comfort.
It was such simple pleasure to smile and hold them.
They saw my feelings and responded to me.
But you had already made that place
where I came to visit and open to them.
It was a day well spent and badly needed.
Somethings cut deeper than others
and you’ve found one, my lover, wife, and friend.
You nurture them and me in the sunshine
of your love and cherishing
and I see now
how you let God work through you.

1/20/86 #2

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Wednesday, March 5th, 1986
                 35,000 ft, my thoughts like swirling birds.
                 Joan and her spiritualism are focusing me hard.
                 No casual affair; her effect on me.
                 No face passing in a moment of light or lust
                 but a catalyst and an unleashing in me...
                 realizations and recognitions
                 pass like crossing swords where she is.
                 It's not that I should grasp at her
                 or resist her here
                 but that I should let her simply play out
                 her part unburdened
                 and learn from all that she evokes in me
                 or gives to me
                 or takes from me.
                 She brings me my own.
                 My own possessiveness and insecurity,
                 my own needs and fears.
                 She reveals me to myself,
                 so quickly has she cut me open.
                                    5 mar 86

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —


Monday, March 10th, 1986

               Like a tear in the sky
               that lets heaven come shining through
               I opened up today
               and nothing could hide the flame I felt.

               Deep joy burning my heart down.
               I went for a run, music in my ears,
               God's creation in my eyes
               and a deep feeling filling me
               that I was tapped into something deeper
               than the everyday shows.

               Sometimes, like a lens, I just come focused.
               Like a crystal, when the light comes on through,
               I am for a moment showered with grace and clarity.
               Full of the conjunction of my will
               and my life and God's purpose.

               As if all the warm hands of love and meaning
               have come at once to press me
               and I to feel through them
               the fabric of life.

                                       10 Mar 86

— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —