My thoughts run and gibber,— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —
my moods are swinging until I’m dizzy.
‘Time will heal all this’, I say to myself,
Just wait a bit….’
I talk to Lise and it’s the same with her;
mood swings, feelings in a riot, confusion.
Why am I so insecure?
Do I believe she’s not done with Anthony?
Do I think she’s not as confused as I?
Do I sense a future of more shocks?
She scares me when she says she scares herself
because she doesn’t know what she’ll do.
I have to admire her honesty in this, though.
I’ve been where she is with others
and I’ve been less than honest.
I can’t decide if this insecurity
is reasonable or not.
She has given me every reason to doubt her
…and has been unwaveringly honest.
I remember the women who’ve loved me
and I remember
my stainless steel honesties with them
and how
I drew their love
like a moth to the flame.
27 Nov 85
Archive for the ‘1985’ Category
Wednesday, November 27th, 19851985-11-29
Friday, November 29th, 1985Lise has made me see some things;— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —
after knowing her,
I realize I’ve been looking
for the right woman all my life.
Rose has been for children and family
and settling and just living;
and these have only half satisfied me
and left me a father and a vagabond, both.
Lise opened me
to the idea of living in a house together
and becoming creative, as two;
working together instead of alone.
I wanted to write books for her
and take her to show me Paris,
write her letters of my travels,
and have her manage my creations.
I saw her as an equal, a true partner.
Now, now I don’t know what I see,
except confusion and lack of trust
and this deep feeling that
it’s not the same for her
as it is for me.
I remember my years with Rose’s love…
she would sooth me and love me
and then, full of her love,
I would walk out the door
looking for more.
She never satiated me; only gave me security
so that I felt free and strong;
able to go out and look for that something
I lacked but could not name.
29 Nov 85
Friday, November 29th, 1985I wish I knew what to do— Copyright 1965-2008 by Dennis Gallagher —
to get my heart back from this place.
I don’t know who I am anymore
and I’m not sure what I want.
Canada seems all gray concrete and rain now
and overseas is thousands of miles
from anyone who loves me….
I didn’t used to think like this.
Lise, dear Lise, what have you done to me
or, perhaps, what have I done to myself?
By loving you as I have
I’ll always know what I was missing.
29 Nov 85